Monday, 24 February 2014


We had to go out early to order some new fencing but we had a bit of brekkie out first!! The morning was soon gone after a round trip of about 40 miles sourcing this and that.
When we got back we changed into some old clothes and 'got stuck in'.
The years - about 24 - have taken their toll on what used to be a lovely vibrant 'big' pond. How that gazebo has stood up to the hurricane gales we have had is quite remarkable. But it's days are numbered ie OVER. 
Down it came and quite remarkably the wood is still good. 
Time to drain the 750 gallons of pond water and catch the fish. We called in to a local aquatic place this morning and agreed with them to take our fish - so catch time.
What the ??????
A very long time ago our Tony had a Sterlet that had become too big for its tank so ended up in our big pond. I thought it had died having found some rather confusing bones about 10 years ago. NO! the bloomin' thing was still there and scared the hebe gebes out of me today.
This is it as we tried to get it into our little pond (550 gals) without being stabbed by its spike. 
We found out from the pond shop man that it's still a baby and could grow to 9'!!! 
Tomorrow is another day of playing about in muck - yakky 

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