Sunday, 30 March 2014


Despite the severe pain this garden project has all been worth while. We still have a way to go but the next bit will involve raised borders and - PLANTS.
So this is it right now.
First the bin storage
I'm sure these things breed.
A couple of views one way then the other
The gorgeous sunshine has beckoned now so that's it for a while as the inside of the house needs some attention next ie cleaning - yak! hate that word and deed.


pearshapedcrafting said...

This is looking really good - well done! Time to put your feet up now! Chrisx ps loved your canvases

Nan G said...

Love the triangle trellises. Great job. Maybe the garden fairies will clean house for you since their space looks so nice. :) :)

Artyjen said...

Wow! No wonder you both have aches and pains...that's a lot of hard work. Bet you are looking forward to the planting bit ;)
xoxo Sioux