Tuesday, 5 August 2014


I kind of planned my perennial garden in panels ie 4 fence panels. Also there needed to be space for my whirly gig - clothes line - and enough path space to move the bins to the front.  
Also I wanted to be able to sit in the sun and if it ever got warm enough to have a parasol up and if it was cool to have the chiminnea going. I reckon all these points have been achieved.
The glorious summer has made it even more of a happy garden and I have 'HAD A BALL'.
Plans are in my head causing much 'ado' for next year. So as my garden colour begins to fade, I am sharing it's last moments with you


Nan G said...

I have loved every beautiful minute of watching your garden grow from your planning to these final blooms! Thank you for sharing your garden with us. Hugs

pearshapedcrafting said...

It may be fading but it still looks lovely