Thursday, 21 May 2015


I'm back home after a trip south to see my friend Sylvia. She is doing well despite having a long journey in front of her to get feeling back into her fingers, but believe me when I tell you she has a firm grip! It was wonderful to see her and quite emotional because of what she has gone through, but she is being so well cared for by her hubby that I am confident she will get there.
My garden is coming on in leaps and bounds too and it seems I have only lost about 3 plants. Hopefully, I will be able to show a few photos in a day or so after I've finished planting all the new plants I bought while away.
In the meantime, it is time for a new front door wreath so I've just had a little play and made this,
The colours are warming, I just wish the weather was!!!


Unknown said...

How pretty and what a nice welcome to your home.

Nan G said...

A beautiful and cheerful welcome (home) to your home.

Gez Butterworth said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Joanne ♥

Relieved to hear your prayers have been answered and your friend is on the road to recovery, she will do great with you by her side xxx

Giovanni said...

Upgrading and renewing your front door is such an amazing way to increase the value of your entire house. I recently did my door over as well with all of the right paint as well as a new wreath and it has made an enormous difference in the way that my entire home looks because of the work I have done.

Giovanni @ Coastal Contract Hardware