Monday, 18 January 2016


Only the finishing touches to do to the little rag bag now but I won't get it completed until tomorrow.
I continued clipping the seams until bed time just to get a head start today. Not finding any 1/4" cord in my stash, I made another trip to Abakahn and got some there. While I was at it, I bought a pair of snips and new Bodkins, watch me find mine now!!
The snips are really sharp and work a treat as there is no thumb hole for my ever increasing in size arthritic thumb to get stuck in.
I threaded the cord through the casing and stitched up the gap then put the bag into the washer to wash and rag the seams. It's drying as I type so I prepared the straps for sewing.
There are 4 little patches and a button loop too. These are all sewn now so I'm just about to turn them all through so they will be ready for when the bag is dry. 
Until tomorrow then......

1 comment:

Barb said...

Haha I knew you'd buy other stuff Joanne. Look forward to seeing your bag ragged tomorrow. Barbxx