Monday, 1 February 2016


It's rather difficult to do any sewing today due to the upheaval my hubby has caused whilst trying to revamp his shed. He's even pinched the side panel from my cooker housing.
It had a bit of damage at the bottom corner so he's having it as his new work top and I'm getting a new one - eventually!
I had to move this to get access to my sewing machine
It's his hexacopter. I put it in my work room
Getting to the camping table set up in the front room proved to be an assault course too
That's just one of 5!!! And he thinks I've got a lot of craft stash!!
Nearly broke my neck on this thing and getting a pair of shoes is a no no!
Obstacles aside, I did manage to spray glue one row of squares and sew them across
I've clipped them together ready for sewing but rather than keep changing my threads I thought I would get to this stage with them all first.
Just about to start the second row.

1 comment:

Barb said...

I had to smile at your Hubby's stuff everywhere. I felt really at home! Bruce has a couple of quadcopters He plays with breadboards too and recently bought a radio controlled glider. Thankfully he's recently joined "Men in Sheds" so the latest addition got put together there with his new buddies. Boys will be boys!

I don't think we have a leg to stand on in truth though Joanne, do you?hehehe
