Thursday, 25 February 2016


After falling foul yesterday,  of this awful allergy(?) I have, my nose and eyes stopped running and leaking enough for me to sort the backing out this afternoon.
I decided to cut the cream to the size of the blocks plus the first border then to add enough purple to give me the rest of the size plus a couple of inches all round. The idea is to quilt the blocks and the outside 4" border and in doing that it means the quilting won't interfere with the seam on the back, if you get my drift.
So, the next step is to make a sandwich - not the edible type unfortunately.

I am really dreading this part so wish me luck as I may be quite some considerable time!!!


Barb said...

Good Luck Joanne! Hope you're soon feeling l00 % again. Barbxx

pearshapedcrafting said...

Hmm! Rather you than me!, Hugs, Chrisx