I fancied doing some paper piecing rather than using my sewing machine as sewing by hand means being able to sew both indoors and outside when it gets warmer. Decisions, decisions.
I had a little play over the weekend and made some lavender bags. One has been received by my pal Sylvia, 2 are in the post elsewhere and one is in my bedroom.
My light treatment is going ok except today they couldn't find my file and it took 40 minutes for them to locate it. My time went from 19 secs to 23 secs then 30 secs today. The build up will be over 3 weeks that's 9 sessions before it starts to make a difference. I hope I continue to tolerate it and my other hope is for a lovely sun tan!!
Don't think I could waste that lovely stuff either! lol ;)
Hoping your treatment does the trick.
xoxo Sioux
What pretty little lavender bags. Hugs, Barbxx
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