Monday, 14 March 2016


Whatever hubby and I have been suffering from it seems to be giving up at last. He has a really sore throat and couldn't eat yesterday. That seems a bit better today. I won't let this thing beat me despite how I feel so this afternoon I bit the bullet and armed with a box of hankies and a bottle of water I decided to tackle the garden, the latter items being for me not the garden LOL!
I've dug up a couple of plants and spread a whole bag of soil improver into the border.
The sun is beginning to reach the ground at last and warming it up.
I swept up and also stuck some plant supports in.
The fences need painting and the path needs power washing but we need to feel much more better to tackle those jobs.
The bulbs under the trees have been the best ever and look so happy and 'Spring-like'. I cannot wait for the clocks to alter and for the weather to warm up. Bet you can't either.


Barb said...

Well done Joanne. I bet that fresh air did you good and the garden is looking lovely and ready to burst into bloom.

I'll be really glad when we change to British summer time and the flaming clock in my craft cabin will be at the right time for 6 months again! Hugs, Barbxx

pearshapedcrafting said...

Sorry to hear about you and T not being well! I have just been catching up! Great to be in the garden isn't it? Wishing you a good week! Hugs, Chrisx