Saturday 17 January 2009


I'm having a go at this scrapbook page production. So far I have 3 completed with the original 8x8 in thought and production. I have so many thoughts and so many photos but bringing them together is really hard, especially as most of our photos are similar in colour and action - or lack of in Toby's case! - The gorgeous pages I've pulled down from the web are mainly for girls or are quite flowery, but as you know, Toby was nothing like a girl. He defended his lifestyle with vigour then came on our knee for cuddles and comfort - dare I say - just like any conqueror. Admiration was always given for both good and bad reasons.

I absolutely adore paper crafting, especially card making, but I really don't have thought initiative and get my ideas from what I see in magazines, tv, craft shops, web sites, etc.. for those whose ideas give me what I lack, thank you so much, but can you give me a bit more please????

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