Monday 6 April 2009


Here are some pictures of some of the unbelievable cards Dawn was making yesterday plus one of Lindsay and another of Leonie.
My head is spinning with all the things I saw and unfortunately, now want. Been out this morning to buy a packet of straws. I guess I shall be blowing ink all over the place later. Also managed to book Lyndsay's workshop on 14 June. Can't wait for that. And, my melting pot may get it's first use following Dawn's demo, in which she made it look easy and not so daunting - she says!!

Can anyone tell me how to upload photos inbetween paragraphs or at the end of a blog? I only seem to be able to make them appear at the top.


Unknown said...

Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. I see Leonie's fingers look clean!

Joanne said...

I got there not long after they had opened. Believe me, it didn't take long for her to be spraying paint all over!!! Just kidding Leonie. xx