My craft is safely stashed ready for next week as you can see -
All I have done is flick through a few copies of Craft Stamper and nosey at the blogs I follow.
Anyway, this is my craft table when we go away. I take up ALL of the rear lounge - well a girl needs her space to create don't youn agree? DH is quite happy sitting in the front watching the birds, caravanners etc..
Thanks for looking, and don't forget my blog candy giveaway on 24th May. Check out the previous posts for May.
Crafting on the go. Love the sound of that :-)
A x
OHH! a break and crafting, sounds like the perfect trip away to me!!
you are a true crafter, crafting on the go, LOVE it! have a wonderful trip!
hugs mandyxx
Crafting on the move - love the idea of that
Have a great trip Candace x
Tu arrives à scrapper sur la route ?!?! J'adore l'idée ! See you next week ;-D
I hope you are having fun in York.
Clare x
oh i luv going away in me van,take me crafty bits with me, luv it,sue.x
How marvellous! Have a fab holiday - crafting, company, peace and new places - perfect!
You certainly do need space to craft even when on holiday :)
Anne x
Lucky you being able to craft on holiday. I had my honeymoon in York (not York's fault I'm no longer married!!) I loved it - such a beautiful city.
Give me your coordinates ... I will pack and wait for contact :0)
Ohhh have a fabby break, sorry not a bout much but life and ill kids getting in the way! :-( HaZELXOX
beautiful cat! love your space!
for a minute there I thought you has a whole caravan to scrap in lol, shame I couldn't craft in a tent...especially as it usually rains loads when I go camping:)
Hi Joanne, hope you enjoy York. Great to see your holiday crafty space! S xx
ooh i love your caravan crafty space - that is fab xx
Crafty space even on hols! My fave mag too. x
WOW...wonderful crating space for when your on your hols. Hope you are having a lovely time away.
Joanne xx
A caravan crafting space I love York ...the old streets and the minster ...hope you enjoyed yourself.
Sounds like you're having a great time...In fact sounds just perfect...enjoy!!
Crafting on the go, I like the sound of that, and very organised crafting on the go too. I love York too, thanks for the nose around. Tracy Evans x x
Crafting on the go, I like the sound of that, and very organised crafting on the go too. I love York too, thanks for the nose around. Tracy Evans x x
You really have made a craftroom from home, haven't you? I think it's fabulous.
Love the creating on the go! WOYWW from NY, how fab. Jay xx
now that is definately my kind of crafting...
Paula x x x
Ha Ha love it xx My caravan unfortunately is filled with DH, 4 kids and 1 dog, now you have put the idea in my head.Me thinks I shall go on my hols alone hee hee xx Enjoy xx
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