Thursday, 23 May 2013


It happened in that order.
Mr Blackie had a bath then Mrs Blackie drank the same water!!  Now how many of us would do that??!!!!!
What a week this has been. My washer broke on Monday. Well it did the washing, it just wouldn't spin. It did however, allow me to get the washing out which was a relief. So that meant a trip to buy another washer after finding out that the broken one would cost £100 to mend. I don't believe that actually. It seemed a price off the top of the head of the man in the shop who then tried to sell me a washer with a half size drum!! Stupid man probably has never done any washing in his life.
Anyway, I chose another, paid for it - that hurt a lot - and am now washing by hand until either Saturday or Tuesday before the new one is delivered. Not a nice job when after a few days of glorious sunshine we had hail stones this morning.
So, crafting has come to a full stop, see.....
That is my craft mat. However, when the old washer was removed I did find a blending tool that had fallen under it ages ago. Result.
Talking of results, I am still waiting for my skin biopsy results. That's 5 weeks now. I rang the hospital yesterday to be told that they had just come back and were with the doctor as we spoke - yeh! if you believe that you will believe anything. Anyway, I have to wait until the end of next week now before they go to my GP and then goodness knows how long before I hear anything. Good job the soreness has gone so at least it isn't anything nasty.
I have one piece of craft ready for tomorrow that I prepared a couple of weeks ago so if you are interested please pop back then.

1 comment:

pearshapedcrafting said...

Those results sure have taken a long time - hope you get sorted soon! On the washer front - we very foolishly got a smaller drum size - we were in a bit of a rush and needed a certain size to fit in the space in the flat - needless to say - it's a rubbish size drum and …guess what? we found one the right size with a bigger drum one week after we'd got it!!! Love the blackie pics - definitely love!!! Hope you get time to play soon! Chrisx
ps loved your Christmas cards!